Ethanol is CORN!

Ethanol is truly amazing with the fact it is a renewable source to engines.
Ethanol is made by corn and is put through procedures that powderize it and eventually turn it into the liquid used in most gasoline stations today.

Ethanol is pure alcohol and is extremly flammable, colourless, and is a basic liquid, Used to clean out gunk in your engine while mixed with the gasoline in your car.
Ethanol is also used in cooking products, food products, cleaning products, alcoholic beverages, and even rocket fuel.
Ethanol helps the enviroment because it takes less away from the enviroment due to it being renewable (made of corn).

However ethanol can be dangourous, if the product is caught in the eyes then a burning pain will be present.
if inhaled then ethanol will cause headaches and coughing.

The chemical equation of Ethanol is C2H6O, so you can tell it is a base and not an acid, not to mention that Ethanol is slippery and tastes quite bitter because it was made by corn.

Ethanol helps the planet because it is made by corn, so burning it causes no damage to earth, also it is renewable due to corn.
How Ethanol works is that when mixed with gasoline, it is then safe to put the Ethanol into the fuel tank, the fuel makes it's way to the engine in where as it combusts, it cleans and breaks down the gunk in the engine.

If by chance you need to get rid of Ethanol from your household, then the only way to dispatch Ethanol is through the drain with a good water flush from the tap.
Ethanol has bad side effects if in contact with other reactants such as corrosion, So pouring ethanol down the drain not onlyis the way to dispatch Ethanol, it is a way to cheaply take out the build up in your pipes.

When Ethanol reacts with oxygen as it is on fire, it has a blue flame bursting out of the Ethanol other than a normal orange yellow fire in which most flammables have.

Ethanol should be taken seriously however because somone could harm themselves just by holding Ethanol in their hands!
Seeing Ethanol is a base, it is still corrosive to the touch, not as corrosive as a powerful acid or sodium hydroxide but mabye if the poor individual not paying attention could get hurt.